Friday, 22 May 2009

Checked your spark-plugs lately?

Maybe carrying out something of a spiritual audit on ourselves from time to time might help us to recognise the areas of our lives where we need to allow God to move. I was recently looking over some old college notes from the late '90s and stumbled upon a 'spiritual MOT'; a sort of self-awareness exercise. Asking ourselves some searching questions such as these can only cause us to be more alert to those areas which need attention, a bit like a mechanic running a checklist on a car;

Am I content with who I am becoming?

Am I becoming less ‘religious’ and more spiritual?

Does my family recognise the authenticity of my spirituality?

Is my prayer life improving?

Have I maintained a genuine awe of God?

Is my humility genuine?

Is my ‘spiritual feeding’ the right diet for me?

Is obedience in small things built into my reflexes?

Do I have and display joy?

Is God at the centre of my life?

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