Sunday, 8 August 2010

Days 4 and 5

I never got the opportunity to blog yesterday so this is a bit of a doubler. Yesterday we went into the city of Utrecht and had some time off. We enjoyed an hour's cruise round the city's canal system and were glad to be under cover as the weather was of the British summer variety, i.e. rain. This gave the group the opportunity to wear their newly acquired Dutch ponchos (see pictures).

Utrecht's centre was extremely busy with many market traders and a bustling shopping centre. We have learnt that Dutch people have a sixth sense of where the mad speedy cyclists are going to appear from and which direction they are heading. We have yet to get this sense.

After a good (but wet) afternoon, we headed back to Emmeloord, stopping en route to have a McDonald's for tea.

We spent the evening preparing for our participation today's church services.

This morning the group was divided into two and went to two different churches:

The Fountain (which has been our base for the week) which has about 500 attending, and

The Rainbow (much smaller with about 100).

Everyone particated in sharing something of the evangelistic work we've been involved in/ which is still to come. From Bethany, Peter gave a demonstration of some of the techniques we've been using, and Aaron shared some of his testimony. Everyone did very well. Thanks for your prayers.

This afternoon we are hanging out with some of the local Christian young people and as I type there is an international table-tennis tournament taking place!

It is Peter's 15th birthday today, and though he doesn't know it yet, there will be a cake and a card later!

Some of the team are extremely tired and struggling with various bugs and ailments so please pray that they would get over them quickly and get the strength for the rest of the week.

Signing off for now.

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