Saturday, 6 June 2009

Rwanda: Resurrecting Faith?

Ever since reading Fergal Keane's wonderfully moving book 'Seasons of Blood' several years ago I have had an interest in the country of Rwanda post-genocide. In particular I am interested in the part faith has played in the rebirth of the country. So I was interested to see Walt Mueller's latest blog on the state of Rwanda fifteen years after the genocide. In particular, the comments he refers to from the book, 'Mirror to the Church' by Emmanuel Katongole about how the evangelisation of the world has been less than perfect.
"...Katongole rocks our safe and secure little understanding (or more accurately, misunderstanding) of the Christian faith again, when he quotes one of my heroes of the faith, John Perkins: "We have over-evangelized the world too lightly." Wow again. "Much of what has gone out in the name of Christianity is evangelism-lite. Or to say it differently, the church has only half-fulfilled the Great Commission. We've gone out preaching Jesus, but we haven't been able to 'teach them to obey everything' he commanded."

This is a book I must get hold of and I'm ordering it right now!

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