"Reaching kids, reaching families" - Susan White
The last 15 minutes is the key teaching time in kids ministry.
2 questions to ask each kid after the programme ;
1. Did you have fun? 2. What did you learn?
If the answer to q1 is no then you may never see them again, or for a long time or it may be really difficult for parents to get them there. Without an affirmative answer to q1, then you won't get to be able to ask q2.
Kids ministry must be valued by the senior pastor.
The mission field is at its largest thru the window of kids ministry. Kids are bringing parents to church. Instead of being a trickle down from parents down the generations, where we can see a loosening of faith by the next generation, when it works from kids up, faith will have greater longevity. It reaches both up and down generationally.
A church has a child for about 40 hours a year; a parent has the same child for approx 3000 hours; guess where the weight of responsibility lies?
Church will play its part in making those 40 hours a brilliant base but the key thing is that the church builds parents to be fully devoted followers. How can we better do this?
Are volunteers 'hiding' behind curriculum and materials instead of spending time reflecting on why they're doing what they're doing? How is their relationship with God?
Delegate - find a person for every job that needs to be done
If you want to see your church grow, then you need to act like a big church before you are a big church. Adopt good habits of delegation and planning. Act as if your church is double the size it really is, then it will grow into itself.
Train and encourage volunteers:
1. Orientation class for volunteers
2. Handbook on policies and procedures with sign-off by applicant
3. vetting procedures
4. When they are 'kid-safe' welcome them and make it obvious with visual team identification eg lanyards, tshirts.
5. Don't abandon them- value leaders with training, ensure they're not spiritually dry
Ensure security is in place in kids ministry - sign in sign out when collected, print off badges on the spot at a designated hand over site.
Message from Nehemiah for volunteers - each was building the wall - each named and mentioned - each valued - each important - part to play
Spiritual maturity standard for younger leaders - we need to know that who you are in church is who you are the rest of the week
Resources to check out for kids ministry:
Hillsongs kids dvd
Rethinkgroup.org - Northpoint - 'The Big Story' dvd
Kids curriculum - big city studios
Promiseland -
Northpoint 252 basics - first look
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